Trademark WORLDWIFI is protected and registered with the USPTO registered Number 85858239 and permission from OWNER is required to use the WORLDWIFI name or logo as part of any project, product, service, domain name, or company name.

We may grant permission in the following instances:

• The user has obtained a written licence from the TRADEMARK OWNER.
• The project is non-commercial.
• The primary purpose of the project is to promote WORLDWIFI and their product/s
• Permission must be obtained before use or legal action will be taken.

If your project meets these criteria, you may be permitted to use the WORLDWIFI name and logo to promote your project in any way you see fit with one exception: do not use "WORLDWIFI" as part of a domain name.

WORLDWIFI -related businesses and projects can use the WORLDWIFI name and logo to refer to and explain their services or products, but cannot use them as part of a product name, project name, service name, company name, or domain name. Additionally, they can't be used in any way that suggests an affiliation with or endorsement by WORLDWIFI or the OWNER of the TRADEMARK.

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